About Us
Concordia Wealth Fund is regulated under the terms of a mutual funds law and by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), designed to give investors access to investment vehicles with various risk preferences and profiles.
Our mission is to build a sustainable fund that allows an investor to benefit from returns above expectation and at the same time limiting the risk.
Investor relationships are at the forefront of our philosophy, Concordia prides itself with having a dynamic and forward-thinking management team.
We aim to be astute and attentive with our investors and give a clear-sighted approach to all aspects of the relationship, underpinned by a wealth of knowledge and expertise as well as a determination to ensure our services are aligned with evolving investor needs.
We believe in the impossible, it is a mindset that shapes the positive relationships we set out to build with our investors.
Investment Strategy and Objective
Our investment strategy is to transact and house a balance of private equity and private loans holdings. The strategy aims to deliver long-term enhanced growth with a targeted annual return of 20% to 30%. The portfolio strategy goal is to create a balanced portfolio and the use of a variety of risk management tools in order to hedge risks and reduce volatility. The core focus of the Fund is to invest in a balanced portfolio of companies and/or other funds, in order to generate capital growth. The strategy will be implemented by investing in equity (listed and unlisted), debt instruments (loans, rated and unrated bonds including private placement, senior and subordinated including hybrids and convertible) and other security including but not limited to investment funds. The Investment Manager will have broad and flexible investment authority to identify opportunities in positions in cash spot Forex pairs, and CFDs (contracts for difference including currencies) on broad market indices and commodity spot prices

Why the Cayman Islands?
With 11,555 mutual funds (provided by CIMA Factsheet), the Cayman Islands remains the leading jurisdiction for establishing offshore investment funds globally

Our Corporate Directory
Valisa Capital Markets SPC
5th Floor, Genesis House
Genesis Close, PO Box 446
Grand Cayman, KY1-1106
Cayman Islands
Valisa Capital Markets
A Cayman Investment Fund that utilises algorithm-based trading to trade the world’s commodity and currency trading markets for profit.
Whilst the fund itself is a new creation, the trading strategies used are not. In essence this fund has rolled up the trading strategies of a discretionary trading facility and team into a more flexible financial instrument – aimed at allowing larger inward investment into the fund and greater geographical distribution. The system employs 4 core strategies, each with its own unique trading system, time frame and risk profile. The combination of these 4 strategies provides a balanced and positive return for all client types and needs. The strategies are continually monitored and amended to ensure that this combined approach continues to deliver above average returns for investors. The instruments traded are Spot FX and CFD’s (Indices) vs the US Dollar.
Auditors Moore Cayman
10 Market Street, Suite 6
Camana Bay, PO Box 30900,
Grand Cayman, KY1-1204
Cayman Islands
Moore Cayman (formerly Kinetic Partners Cayman) is a specialist provider of audit services to firms and funds within the financial services industry. Established in 2005, they have built a talented team recruiting from the largest audit firms and specialist training of graduates to provide an expert and efficient audit service tailored to our clients.
CWF Holdings Ltd
102 Aarti Chambers, Mont Fleuri, Mahe, Seychelles
CWF are investment managers
Administrator Grassi Fund Services
50 Jericho Quadrangle,
Suite 200 Jericho,
NY 11753,
Cayman Counsel McGrath Tonner
5th Floor, Genesis Building
Genesis Close, PO Box 446
Grand Cayman, KY1-1106
Cayman Islands
McGrath Tonner is a full-service law firm specializing in Cayman Islands law.
Investment Interest Management Limited (IIM)
Licensed by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority (reference 1161) and is registered in the Isle of Man under number 074896C with a registered office at: Goldie House, 1-4 Goldie Terrace, Douglas IM1 1EB. IIM is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Contexitur Group Limited
Contact Us
Get In Touch
Concordia Wealth Fund
Genesis Building
5th Floor
Genesis Close
PO Box 446
Grand Cayman